Wow! Been a while since we have made an update! Been trying to get back into the routine of things and adding a few doctor appts in between! Last Thursday we did a follow-up with Dr. Papazian to address the tube issue in his ears. During his ABR the audiologist told us his tubes were clogged and we needed to have them looked at. Needless to say while seeing Dr. Papazian he addressed that both tubes have fallen out but Brennan has alot of fluid agian in his ears. So we are scheduled for a hearing test with Dr.Lane in Monday and with those results we move to plan B which is still in the works! Friday marked two weeks since hia decompression surgery. Brennan is healing very well! Dr. Elbabaa did an amazing job!

This week we have 3 appts for Brennan! Monday is with the ENT/Audiologist... Tuesday we see Dr. Gerwe for his 5 year check and follow up since his surgery and Friday we go back to Cardinal Glennon for his follow-up since his surgery and talk about the next phase of dealig with Chiari! Busy! Busy!!
In between all of this.. we did manage to celebrate his birthday!!
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